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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Social Awareness #1 option 5

   This post is to respond to the song World on Fire by Sarah McLachlan
on how she writes a song and makes a video without any of the
professional equipment to work with so that she could donate to people
in need all around the world instead. She would've needed $150,000 for
that entire video too, so that shows that she is really dedicated to helping
people out. Also her video that she showed instead could be very usefull
in raising other people awareness because of the examples of how much
of some money could help many people, and to proof for this is that
the proportions she showed amazed me how $3000 could provide 10,950
meals for all those starving. It also saddens me that we people in America
are really wasteful though, and that with $3000 we used on wasteful
things like buying $100 shoes which you'd threw away after a year or
so. I think this music video is a big eye opener and we should spread this
video around.


  1. I think that you really captured the essence of what the assignment was. CUDOS!!!

  2. i thought it was nice how you gave examples to what she said in her video
