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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Entry 7 - research to know more about your book/author

   As my two research exercises I chosen were Author Isolations
 which is reading about the other books the author wrote and
relate them to the current book and Biography squats which is
to read about the authors life and see if it influences the book in

   As I read about the books that Lois Lowry I noticed this book
that was familiar to me and I found that the book Number the
Stars was a book that I read in my old school and I really liked
that book because of its theme of how these people endured
pain and were hunted and as the main character witness these
events as a child she would undergo this transformation where
this is the world in front of her is the real world not blinded by
the mist where truths are hidden to you as a kid. It was just the
same in my childhood book The Giver as Jonas is changed by
the truth of how things worked in his world while he is a child
he could have chosen to ignore the fact like the kid he is or he
takes a wise decision and leave everything behind.
   Reading the biography made me notice that in her life she
talked about how all of her book related to her life, like for a
example she wrote the book A Summer to Die was a book
she wrote about her sister's early death and her feeling of loss
over it. So I've learned that great books require real life
experiences to actually make a connection to the reader or give
the book a meaning instead of just entertaining the reader.


  1. good idea looking up other books by louis lowry

  2. Very nice txt to txt connections and looking back when you were younger. :)
