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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Responses

Blog 1. I liked Isaiah's blog because all of his blog posts were neatly
in oder and for each blog post he had a title that explained what the
blog was nearly or is about. I think on all of his blog posts he spended
a lot of time and effort to make them really perfect, so it has a actually
lasting effect on you.
Blog 2. On one of Mohammad's post he was doing his research topics
he had a video that was made by some organization that felt the same
way that he did on that topic. It helped in bringing some information and
life to his blog post. He also had many links so the reader could do some
researching on their own.
Blog 3. On Mahir's blog he had a reading challenge done and that tells
me that he really likes to read and write. Theres also proof to this
by his other blogs since he seemingly had fun while he types them up.