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Monday, November 22, 2010

Research topic #2 Poverty

   I think that poverty is a issue that should have been solved in this time
already, I mean there are still a lot of countries that are barely getting by
in their days of working and grow hungry. Even if they live in a poor
country the US should at least get them some food supplies.
Feeding other nations do not benefit the US but at least it can help our
nation in some ways. Like if we donated more food to nations which need
it we have less food supplies and then our nation doesn't have to have the
issue of obesity by raising the food price here. It can also benefit our
nation by making alliances with those many small nations so that our country
can grow bigger in size. My mom would know somethings about the time
she was in Vietnam, since at that time there was poverty since the Vietnam
war was over the country was poor. She had 5 siblings and both her parents
at that time.  My mother told me that in Vietnam she had to eat plain
noodles everyday without anything to eat with it, she couldn't get
any meat for it no chicken, no pork, no fish. The only thing close a
candy she ever ate was a brown raw bar  made from melted sugar.
She also didn't know what choco;ate was until coming to america for the
first time. Having the food we have here was like heaven for her so think
about poverty in that way.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Research Topic 1 Racism

   Racism in America It started three hundred years ago and sadly is still
happening in this country. In racism it is a belief in which people are judge on
by their skin color, where they come from, and their religion. This kind of
stuff pisses me off every time, it makes me embarrassed to actually be human.
Every time I hear of this stuff I ask myself how stupid and childish these
people can be. It feels like this is a kind of bullying that happens in school,
except sized to a larger scale. Even when we are grown we have
these childish acts of bullying others because they are weak, different,
and weird. In this article it talks about America's police brutality.
I think this exactly supports my idea of how these people with more
power can just do what ever they want. They work for the government and
you can't fight back against them in this country. It seems to me the ranks of the government is enlisted with some racist people. You should see what happens
if you give someone racist power in a government, for example Hitler was
a racist person and he was given power to lead a country, that is when the
Holocaust happened. In this other article this woman figured out that one of her
family member was in the ku klux klan and that reminded me about what we
were studying in social studies. It was the time period in which African
Americans were terrorized by the ku klux klan after president Lincoln and
Andrew Johnson stood in his place. While African Americans were being killed
he just watched while it happened. In all I think racism is another way ho we
are killing ourselves, this what makes us truly human and there is no way to
change from this. The only solution to end this is to all is to end the human race.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Social action 3

   This is a remake for the first one I had to do because I wrote using read
and respond to songs and/or poems on social problems not New/Media

   What I saw on the news of these days were mostly about criminal/terriost
and natural disasters. One thing I think of out of all of this is the things
I wouldn't have thought would still be undergoing of today, These drug
lords and empire are actively going on openly in today's world. It disgusts
me that we know of these drug lords in other countries, even their names
and where they live and yet there is no action taken to stop them. I know
our country can't do anything without permission from that county that
drug lords live in. They are criminals and yet they have almost equal power
to a government. Also another thing I've noticed in media/news is that
a lot of natural disasters began around the world, one is of them is
the Indonesia volcano eruption which killed 130 people which seems
impossible to happen since the volcano was already active before it erupted
which seems weird because of why the government didn't seem to tell them
to get out of the area before the volcano explodes. Even today we get killed
from natural disasters like these in which we already see coming.

   My reflection on this is that to me, these daily events happen every day
and I think that the human race has really have no chance of surviving into
at least 2500 since there are so much conflicts/problems around the world,
political,war,disaster. I wonder why we couldn't all relax just for one day
where there arn't any crimes committed, any political debate, why can't
we just have peace? But that question to me is already answered, its
because we're all humans, and its natural for us to try and make problems
all around us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Social Awareness #2

   I am responding to this song that I heard, Rage Against The Machines,
Testify Which is a band in which really devoted to singing songs about
the U.S government and the wrongs they did, I think, because the songs
sometimes are hard to understand  but this song to me was easier to
understand. I think it talks about how President Bush and how he sends
solders to Middle East to fight a war that is not really their business,
instead he just wants to gain a favor of getting the oil resources from
that country. Maybe this song talks about the death of solders fighting
in a war that they have no reasons to fight in are dying while the
government are just carelessly using up people. This may be a
wrong summary of the song but its what it feels like to me.