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Monday, November 8, 2010

Social action 3

   This is a remake for the first one I had to do because I wrote using read
and respond to songs and/or poems on social problems not New/Media

   What I saw on the news of these days were mostly about criminal/terriost
and natural disasters. One thing I think of out of all of this is the things
I wouldn't have thought would still be undergoing of today, These drug
lords and empire are actively going on openly in today's world. It disgusts
me that we know of these drug lords in other countries, even their names
and where they live and yet there is no action taken to stop them. I know
our country can't do anything without permission from that county that
drug lords live in. They are criminals and yet they have almost equal power
to a government. Also another thing I've noticed in media/news is that
a lot of natural disasters began around the world, one is of them is
the Indonesia volcano eruption which killed 130 people which seems
impossible to happen since the volcano was already active before it erupted
which seems weird because of why the government didn't seem to tell them
to get out of the area before the volcano explodes. Even today we get killed
from natural disasters like these in which we already see coming.

   My reflection on this is that to me, these daily events happen every day
and I think that the human race has really have no chance of surviving into
at least 2500 since there are so much conflicts/problems around the world,
political,war,disaster. I wonder why we couldn't all relax just for one day
where there arn't any crimes committed, any political debate, why can't
we just have peace? But that question to me is already answered, its
because we're all humans, and its natural for us to try and make problems
all around us.

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