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Monday, November 22, 2010

Research topic #2 Poverty

   I think that poverty is a issue that should have been solved in this time
already, I mean there are still a lot of countries that are barely getting by
in their days of working and grow hungry. Even if they live in a poor
country the US should at least get them some food supplies.
Feeding other nations do not benefit the US but at least it can help our
nation in some ways. Like if we donated more food to nations which need
it we have less food supplies and then our nation doesn't have to have the
issue of obesity by raising the food price here. It can also benefit our
nation by making alliances with those many small nations so that our country
can grow bigger in size. My mom would know somethings about the time
she was in Vietnam, since at that time there was poverty since the Vietnam
war was over the country was poor. She had 5 siblings and both her parents
at that time.  My mother told me that in Vietnam she had to eat plain
noodles everyday without anything to eat with it, she couldn't get
any meat for it no chicken, no pork, no fish. The only thing close a
candy she ever ate was a brown raw bar  made from melted sugar.
She also didn't know what choco;ate was until coming to america for the
first time. Having the food we have here was like heaven for her so think
about poverty in that way.

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