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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reading Response RAD (radiation and death)

   The book I am currently reading and have started to read is the dead
and the gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer which is a book is about when this
asteroid hits the moon out of it's orbit and causes a change in the
gravitational pull between earth and the moon. So now tides are much
more higher on earth and tsunami powered waves occur like daily events.
This book focuses on this character called Alex Morales. He has a great
life of going to the best school in his town and also is respected by everyone.
After the incident he is now stuck to take care of his two sisters and trying
to find out where his parents are and what is their conditions.
What I want to focus on in this book is that this boy is left with two sisters
with his dad almost certainly dead since the place his dad is in was hit the
hardest while his mother is lost in the chaos of new york city. This is just
the beginning of problems that will come up. The world is disorganized
and can't be fixed. He has to get by through feeding his sisters and himself
while finding his mother to get things right. I want to show how great of
a character that Alex is.
   I think that the regular teen would just cry all alone and give up, but he is
trying to not lose confidence and stay strong in front of his sisters. One
quote in the book "he felt a wave of panic and had to himself to calm
down. It would be easy enough to find out if Mami is all right."
there is something about Alex that I feel that he will always make it through
this story or even when the world blows up I always think that he had survived
with the determination he has to keep on living and protect his sister's. He doesn't
even think about his parents anymore since he gave up hope of his parents and
now carries the goal of living for his parents and his sisters. You don't find
this kind of determination in everyone. This can also be how strong he feels
about staying alive but I think its more determination than the will to just survive.
    I also think that he is all alone because he has no close friends or not
anymore in the book because his only friend who was more of a competition
left town to go somewhere safer. His friend also is concerned about how he
has no close friends in a situation like this. In this scene where his close
friend says good bye to him he says" Well, you will [get offended] , but I'll say
it anyway. I've noticed you're one of those guys everyone likes and respects, but you
don't seem to have any close friends"(74)
   This text relates to the world in some ways because there are some good
people who are stuck in a situation that brings the worst out of them and
they don't deserve it, like Alex he doesn't deserve to be in that situation
being all by himself with his sisters while other kids have their parents and
don't need to worry. I think this book makes the reader understand what
kind of person it takes to be to drag yourself through a situation like this
and ever thought their might be light at the end of the tunnel.
   In real life the chances of finding people like this are low. I think that guys
should take an example of Alex strength and be like him more. He is brave,
determined, and someone who take care of himself. My topic was made
because I felt that maybe I should become somewhat like Alex. The readers
should see in my opinion what a good person really is (except the part where
he steals food from the other apartments, but they didn't need them anyway).
Its only normal to see a person like this character to admire them, like I do
for the people in the Army. The whole reason I'm writing this post is for the
people that are reading this post; I want people to think about what kind of
character they have and ask them selves, Is this how I want myself to be.

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