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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Revised Reading Response for ELA Class 810

   The themes in this story are simple but they cover and mold the story to how it is.
Without these themes this book would just be a simple gray fifth grade book.
Everything about the story is influenced in the book but one particular one stands
out from all the others, Death. At the beginning of the book the pig Wilbur would
be killed because of the unfairness of life relating to death theme and at the end
Charlotte died for the pig which is what I thought about how life and death
was balanced out because of how Charlotte's life was the price of Wilbur's life. 
This book stands out to me personally as a children's book because of its strong
connection to death so that its actually more emotional and at the start I thought
it was just some ridiculous fantasy with some talking animals to keep little kids
   In the story one of the time where death stood out to me most was on page
seventy-three where also a life for a life was exchanged where a egg that
could have hatched into a full grown goose was taken so that Charlotte a
tiny spider could live a little longer. This shows to me that maybe death is
the same to all creatures from humans, cows,fish,ants. So this book made
me look at death in a different way so  I could understand it in any point of
   In my life I had never had anyone die that was close to me until nine months
ago where my grandma on my mom's side died. At the funeral I felt as if at
that time the most sad feeling throughout my entire life. This feeling of
death that knowing the person lying in the coffin will never wake up or
ever talk again, not even open their eyes its as if you lost this precious
invaluable thing you could never replace again. This was something about
death in my life.



  1. I like how you put a book to life connection. I liked the way you talked about the real meaning of the book

  2. in your response you put alot of meaning into it. also you payed attention to the book
